LGLF Nerf Team

Posts Tagged ‘homemade’

360 Suicide Catch: Back to the Drawing Board

January 11th, 2011
By Langley

I constructed a new SNAP variant today in an attempt to use the Suicide Trigger with a 360 degree catch notch (similar to Carbon’s Mk II design) but it seems that the plastic couldn’t stand up to repeated abuse from the metal catch pin despite my best efforts to smooth it out.  Pictured at right is the catch notch on the plunger rod after about a solid day’s worth of use.  It actually hasn’t failed yet, and works fine in this state, but I doubt it would last much longer in this condition.  I was successful in making a solid, stable handle with a smaller footprint for use with a sleeve-style pump action.  More photos after the break.


Suicide Trigger: A Variation on the Clothespin Trigger

November 8th, 2010
By Langley

Update – 1/5/11 – Photos of the new proof of concept at the bottom of this post.

I’ve been trying to put together a catch mechanism that can sit behind the spring, like the rainbow, so that I can make a pumpsnap where the pump doesn’t have to stick out in front of the gun. I had some ideas about using a 1/2″ flat endcap as a catch plate, but a post from PVC Arsenal 17 got me thinking about using a simple clothespin trigger on the plunger rod itself, and just using narrower pipe behind the spring to eliminate the space in between, to prevent the pin from being able to wiggle free. What I came up with is surprisingly simple.


L-Bow 0.3?

March 15th, 2009
By Langley

Hopefully the 1.0, if all goes well. Here’s what I got done today. Too bad I couldn’t finish it for PA4

Still needs a trigger, catch, handle and stock. Also, while pulling apart the .2 for some spare parts, I noticed that the plunger head was all cracked and broken, so that it would move forward just fine, but would leave the o-ring in the front of the plunger tube as it was cocked. I screwed a plastic bottle cap and a rubber gasket from a bottle of Grolsch into the end of the new plunger head (which was cracked right out of the box, wtf?).  Hopefully that will make a good enough shock absorber. Also, fuck Google Sketchup.

The L-Bow 0.2

January 10th, 2009
By Langley

If you read my previous article, “Damage Report“, you already know that I’ve been trying to make a homemade Nerf gun using a pneumatic screen door closer as the plunger, spring and pressure chamber. After my last attempt, I decided to open up the screen door closer and take a look at the guts of the thing.


Damage Report

November 4th, 2008
By Langley

The Harrowing Tale of the Construction and Destruction of the Doorfucker 3000

This was a post I made on NerfHaven back in January of this year about my experiences trying to build a nerf gun powered by a pneumatic screen door closer.  I’m reposting it here because it sets up my next project nicely.  In the near future I’ll be working on another atempt to build such a blaster which I call “The Langley Bow”.  Or just L-Bow for short.
