The Road to Bad PR is Paved With Good Intentions
November 25th, 2010By Langley
Nerfers and Nerf Modders have gotten some (arguably) bad press lately, and the reaction has been, for the most part, “That’s what you get for talking to the press.” This is a sentiment that I can totally get behind. However, the attitude that certain people have expressed compels me to remind everyone that it’s not us that are doing something wrong, it’s the media.
Unfortunately for our community, the press has everything to gain by pandering to outraged parents, and nothing to loose by upsetting outraged nerfers. For that reason alone you should never do anything to entice anyone from the mainstream media to focus on your nerf war, or your modifications, or your website. They will find the one one thing which, when taken out of context, can leave you with your pants down.
At the same time it’s important to remember that we really haven’t got anything to hide. Anyone who looks at that CBS piece with a critical eye will see that a caring mother took time out of her day to express to that reporter how proud she is of a son who’s taking part in a really great hobby. As futile an effort as that may have been, I think it’s far more telling than any youtube video of some moronic teenager doing something irresponsible in their basement. So if you came to this site or to NerfHaven looking for more dirt on the evil scourge of Nerf Modification, feel free to take a look around. All you’ll find is a tight community of people who are involved in a hobby that’s about half as dangerous as high school football, with about ten times the benefit. (more…)